Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) April 2024 update

Following the introduction of the CIL Allocation Policy, the list of current CIL projects has been updated to reflect the “small” and “large” scale bid approach.

Summary of CIL projects (April 24)

The Council anticipate small scale bids will be reviewed at upcoming Council meetings. The Council continue to liaise with the local organisations submitting large scale bids. It is currently expected these bids will be submitted around Autumn 2024 but the Council await to hear from the applicants.

CIL Application Form & CIL Allocation Policy

As of April 2024, all applicants who wish to apply for CIL funds must:

  1. Read the CIL Allocation Policy
  2. Complete and submit a CIL Application Form.

COpies can be found here:

CIL – Monitoring Reports

Regulation 121B stipulates that it is a legal requirement for the Parish Council  to publish a CIL monitoring report on an annual basis. For a more up to date summary of the CIL finance see:

Community Infrastructure Levy Monitoring Report 2022/23

CIL Monitoring Report 2022-2023

Community Infrastructure Levy Monitoring Report 2021/22

CIL Monitoring Report 2021-2022

Community Infrastructure Levy Monitoring Report 2020/21

CIL Monitoring Report 2020-2021

Community Infrastructure Levy Monitoring Report 2019/20

CIL Monitoring Report 2019-2020

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) February 2024 update

Parishioners may find it helpful to review the Council’s previous CIL updates:-

Following the Parish Council meeting on Monday 12 February 2024, the Council have updated and approved the CIL list of projects (see below).

CIL Projects (12.02.24)

Next CIL update

The Parish Council’s next meeting is on Monday 11 March 2024 at 7pm. The meeting agenda will be posted by Wednesday 6 March.

The meeting will include a CIL agenda item in which the Council will discuss and review a draft “CIL Application Form”. The Council will also discuss updating the “CIL Allocation Policy” which was previously adopted in December 2022.

CIL Funds / Bids to date

A summary of the CIL funds can be found here:

CIL Funds (12.02.24)

As previously reported, the Parish Council received a CIL funding request from the Pocket Park Committee to the sum of £96,000. This  was declined. At the meeting on 12 February 2024, it was ascertained that the Committee would like to re-submit the bid and clarify that the Council’s previous concerns have been overcome.

The Parish Council think it would be sensible to consider large scale CIL bids in conjunction and will liaise with the local organisations indicated on the CIL list as to possible timescales. Any update/outcome will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting on Monday 11 March 2024.

Buckton Fields Community Centre

Taylor Wimpey hope to build the community centre in Q2 of 2026, as per the planning permission of Buckton Fields. The Parish Council identified various possible upgrades such as (but not limited to) installing solar panels, a solar battery to store energy, bi-folding doors to utilise the outdoor space etc.

As detailed in the minutes of January 2024, Taylor Wimpey have asked for “a contribution of circa £140k from the Parish Council in respect of the Council’s requested upgrades“.

A detailed breakdown of the contribution is yet to be provided, and further discussions are to take place. This is merely an update on the project to date. The Parish Council are governed by stringent financial regulations and all expenditure is decided at public meetings.

As with all CIL projects, once details are finalised a proposal, if any, will be submitted to the Parish Council for review and approval.

Community Infrastructure Levy (“CIL”) – timeline & updates as of December 2022

For a brief introduction to what CIL is and how it can be spent, you may wish to read the Council’s CIL Allocation Policy.

As of December 2022, the Parish Council are in receipt of £241,703.85 of CIL funds.

Following efforts such as hand delivering leaflets in Autumn 21 and Summer 22 and hosting a CIL Roadshow at the Annual Parish Meeting in May 22 and during the Jubilee weekend in June 22, the Council were in receipt of 60+ suggestions on how to spend CIL.

In accordance with the Council’s CIL Allocation Policy, the suggestions were narrowed down to the following projects:-

The Council awaits detailed viability reports regarding the above projects. As stated in the CIL Allocation Policy, further CIL is expected. The Council have resolved to take forward viable projects utilising CIL funds received and to host a second round of CIL spending in due course.

Buckton Fields

The Parish Council is committing significant CIL funds to Buckton Fields in two forms: (a) the community centre which it will own and operate and (b) enhancements to the public open space which will need to be discussed in accordance with below.

As with all CIL projects, a pre-requisite is land owner consent. Please see the Buckton Fields Liaison Forum Minutes for further information on the process that must be followed to obtain consent (item 7).

Unfortunately, the Parish Council have no control or influence over this process.

We appreciate it is frustrating for residents and this is why the Council continue to liaise with the developers and First Port for updates. The Council will review the position at the Council meeting in February 2023.

Once the construction of Buckton Fields West is complete, this part of the estate will follow the same process as detailed above.

The Council understand that residents of Buckton Fields East, as members of the Management Company, have been writing to the nominee Directors of the Management Company requesting a General Meeting to be held. The Council is not aware of any response to date.

Buckton Fields Play Park

The Council understand the following:-

  1. some residents may have previously received a “questionnaire” about CIL suggestions. For clarity this was not produced by the Parish Council but the sentiment is supported.
  2. the results of the free online survey regarding a playpark were limited to 40 participants. As there are 376 dwellings at Buckton Fields East, the Parish Council would require further consultation work to be undertaken to demonstrate public demand and evidence concerns, if any.
  3. residents have obtained design proposals regarding the play park at Meadow Green opposite the school (as shown in the CIL Roadshow presentation) and more recently, the play park located off Hanging Barrows. The two proposals reinforce the Council’s requirement for detailed consultation,. The Council envisage that once the resident directors of the Management Company are appointed they will submit a viable CIL project to the Parish Council demonstrating public support and detailing how concerns, if any, will be overcome.

Should you have any further questions about CIL or would like to get involved with a particular project, please contact the Parish Clerk –

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Roadshow

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