Planning Applications (January – July 2024)

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is the local planning authority and they ask Boughton Parish Council (as a statutory consultee) to provide comments, if any, on planning applications they receive. Boughton […]

Humfrey Lane Road Closure – 30th August 2024

The Parish Council have received notification of the following road closure:   For further information or future updates please see: 

Parish Tasks – the village sign has been brought back to life

Our Parish Lengthsman, Mark Frost, has been very busy recently. Not only has he refurbished the telephone box and wooden benches, he has now completed the refurbishment of the village […]

Parish Tasks – a freshen up of the wooden benches

As you may have seen in an earlier post about the telephone box on the corner of Church Street/Vyse Road, our Parish Lengthsman, Mark Frost, is hard at work carrying […]

Parish Tasks – a summer clean up for the telephone box

The Parish Lengthsman, Mark Frost, is hard at work carrying out various tasks. First on the list was to clean and paint the telephone box on the corner of Church […]

Traffic Calming Update (June 2024)

WNC have provided an update to the questions proposed in May 2024. Q1. Please can you clarify what would happen if planning conditions were not met by WNC or the […]

Buckton Fields Community Centre – Volunteers Welcome

Taylor Wimpey are to build the community centre and have recently told the Parish Council they propose to begin the build shortly, rather than in mid-2026 as previously indicated. The […]

Mature Driver’s Roadshow – 27 July 2024

Northamptonshire Police are hosting a free mature driver’s roadshow Are you a mature driver (aged 60+)?  Live in Northamptonshire?  Rely on being able to drive?  This FREE roadshow is for […]

wide road with street lights

Problems with street lights – who do you contact?

Below is a map of the street lights that Boughton Parish Council are responsible for. Should anyone notice that a street light is not working, they can contact the Parish […]

A summary of the issues facing Boughton & WNC’s Local Plan

The Parish Council’s letter summarises the position:- The Parish Council have responded to WNC about the Local Plan consultation via letter, see here:   The Parish Council have responded […]