Parish Tasks – the village sign has been brought back to life

Our Parish Lengthsman, Mark Frost, has been very busy recently.

Not only has he refurbished the telephone box and wooden benches, he has now completed the refurbishment of the village sign (which can be found on the green space opposite the village hall). It has been sanded and the carved details have been freshly painted.

I am sure everyone will agree it looks great and it is a credit to Mark’s hardwork.

Parish Tasks – a freshen up of the wooden benches

As you may have seen in an earlier post about the telephone box on the corner of Church Street/Vyse Road, our Parish Lengthsman, Mark Frost, is hard at work carrying out various tasks.

The three wooden benches have been sanded and varnished. Whilst the composite bench on the corner of Spring Close/Butchers Lane has been wiped down.


Parish Tasks – a summer clean up for the telephone box

The Parish Lengthsman, Mark Frost, is hard at work carrying out various tasks.

First on the list was to clean and paint the telephone box on the corner of Church Street/Vyse Road. Mark received some very favourable and appreciative comments whilst working on it.

Next on the list is to sand and varnish the wooden benches.

Traffic Calming Update (June 2024)

WNC have provided an update to the questions proposed in May 2024.

Q1. Please can you clarify what would happen if planning conditions were not met by WNC or the developer? Is it possible for the road to open without the planning condition being discharged? Other than a planning condition, are there any contractual obligations to fulfil the delivery of the road? Are there any legal penalties etc.

Planning approval for application ref. 19/00045/CCDFUL was granted on 11th June 2019. Here are the precise terms of condition 25.

“Prior to the new road opening the applicant shall consult with Boughton Parish Council to agree the extent and detail of a scheme of measures for ameliorating the impact of traffic from the permitted development on Boughton village. The scheme as may be agreed shall be submitted to the County Planning Authority and implemented in full prior to the new road opening.

Reason: To ensure traffic is effectively monitored and managed across the highway network following the completion of the new road having regard to Policies S10 and Policy C2 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Local Plan (Part One) (2014).”

The Northampton North West Relief Road (NNWRR) will be fully open to traffic once Persimmon have completed the construction of the new road on their site that ties-in with the NNWRR. The date currently anticipated is 2026. However this is subject to Persimmon’s progress and updates.

Q2. Is there any update on when the reconvened meeting with Ward Councillors will be?

I will discus this with our directors and Cllr Larratt next week and contact you again to suggest a date for a meeting mid-July 2024 if convenient for Cllr Larratt and the Ward Councillors. I will attend it with our consultants.

Q3. There is reference to another option being considered, is there any further information on this for parishioners? What stage is the option currently at? Has traffic modelling been commissioned?

Since December 2023, traffic modelling has been progressed. We will discuss options when we next meet in July 2024.

Q4. Please can you clarify why the previous traffic modelling was discussed with Boughton first and now the approach is to discuss the new traffic modelling with Ward Councillors first? If the Ward Councillors support the new proposal but Boughton parishioners don’t, where does this leave us? Whilst timescales may be very vague at this stage, if parishioners could at least understand the process / project milestone it would really help.

Please refer to my response to Items 1, 2 and 3.

Q5. The Northampton Chronicle reported on 18 April that Persimmon have confirmed “it is our ambition to begin construction on this section of the road in Summer 2024….the estimated completion date with this in mind would be February/ March 2025” Is this WNC’s understanding?

Only Persimmon can provide clear updates in line with the planning process they have to comply with.

Buckton Fields Community Centre – Volunteers Welcome

Taylor Wimpey are to build the community centre and have recently told the Parish Council they propose to begin the build shortly, rather than in mid-2026 as previously indicated.

The Parish Council wishes urgently to set up a working group of parishioners to help with the commissioning and eventual management of the new community centre which will be of tremendous benefit to the parish and in particular the residents of Buckton Fields.

Those interested in contributing to the development of the community centre should contact the parish clerk at Subsequently, you will be invited to the “Volunteer Meeting” in due course.

(the image above, is owned by Taylor Wimpey and is latest proposed design as far as the Parish Council are aware).

Mature Driver’s Roadshow – 27 July 2024

Northamptonshire Police are hosting a free mature driver’s roadshow

Are you a mature driver (aged 60+)?  Live in Northamptonshire?  Rely on being able to drive?  This FREE roadshow is for you!

Driving is an important part of our everyday life and we (Northamptonshire Safer Roads Alliance (NSRA)) are keen to help to keep mature drivers driving safer for longer.

Our driving ability to drive changes over time for different reasons, especially as we get older. It’s important that we recognise whether and how our driving is changing so we can stay safe and protect both ourselves and those around us.

This Mature Drivers Roadshow is aimed at drivers 60+, and will cover all different aspects of driving. There will be a short talk and then plenty of time to meet informally with our many stand holders. Free advice will be available on car adaptions, eyesight, how your prescription medications may affect you, and much more.

There will be FREE hints and tips drives available to book, delivered Northampton Advanced Motorists.

Our aim is to keep mature drivers driving safer, for longer.

Book your Free tickets via Universe

The event is being held at Moulton Community Centre, Sandy Hill Lane, Moulton, NN3 7AX ( with one session starting prompt at 9.00am.

Problems with street lights – who do you contact?

Below is a map of the street lights that Boughton Parish Council are responsible for. Should anyone notice that a street light is not working, they can contact the Parish Clerk, Ciara Wanstall, and she will contact the contractor directly.

Should you have any questions about the street lights or anything else, the Parish Clerk can be contacted by email: or telephone: 07918329763.

A summary of the issues facing Boughton & WNC’s Local Plan

  • The Parish Council’s letter summarises the position:-

  • The Parish Council have responded to WNC about the Local Plan consultation via letter, see here:

LTR to WNC (local plan) SENT


  • The Parish Council have responded to WNC about the proposed Northampton Planning Boundary Change via letter, see here:

LTR to WNC (northampton boundary) SENT

How do Parishioner’s respond?

Residents of West Northamptonshire are asked to complete WNC’s online questionnaire. Alternative methods of contact are listed on WNC’s page (see below).

  • Some residents have found the process complicated, so the Parish Council have compiled step by step instructions on how the Parish Council would respond to the questions

Letter to Parishioners – re WNC’s Local Plan and its impact on Boughton Village

Please note Boughton is currently defined as a “secondary service village”. Only the streets listed on the letter form part of the “village boundary”. The remainder of the Parish falls outside of the current definition.

Letter to Parishioners (village) 22.05.24